What really happens inside is this -
Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES) is a muscle which is located in between the stomach and the food pipe - esophagus. When you swallow the food, this muscle relaxes and makes way Cardio Clear 7 Review for the food particles to pass into the stomach.
Once they are in, the muscle retracts and closes the passage so that the acid produced in the stomach does not come upwards.
When you experience acid reflux; the LES muscle fails to contract completely and hence the Cardio Clear 7 passage does not get closed properly. As a result, when you lie down or bend over, the acid produced in the stomach runs upwards causing a burning sensation inside.
Now, you might be wondering, why didn't LES muscle contract properly, what stopped it from doing so?
So, why did it happen, here's the thing -
When you eat a lot of fatty foods, which take a considerable time for getting digested and keep hanging around in the stomach, the pressure inside the stomach gets increased. This pressure pushes the LES muscle backwards and thus opens up the passage for the acid to flow upwards.